Funding and support

We acknowledge the help and financial support, provided by the Region Hovedstaden in Denmark, The Cochrane Steering Group, the UK National Institute for Health Research; as well as all our other supporters.

Cochrane Emergency and Critical Care adheres to a strict organization-wide policy that restricts the use of funds from corporate sponsors. However, we warmly welcome donations of any size from our valued supporters, and we strive to make the donation process as straightforward as possible.

Please contact our financial director Ann Merete Møller if you want to support our work.

It's worth noting that the Cochrane central functions are primarily funded by royalties generated from subscriptions to The Cochrane Library, which is published by John Wiley and Sons Limited. The various entities within the Cochrane Collaboration receive funding from a diverse range of sources, including government entities, institutions, and private foundations. However, all entities within Cochrane operate under an organization-wide policy that imposes limitations on the use of funds from corporate sponsors. The individual entities of The Cochrane Collaboration are funded by a large variety of governmental, institutional and private funding sources, and are bound by organisation-wide policy limiting uses of funds from corporate sponsors. Enquiries regarding funding should be directed to the Cochrane Chief Executive Officer.